
Pravidla pro vykonávání činnosti horského průvodce ve Švýcarsku

Kontaktovaný úřad
  • Declaration Center, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), Unit Recognition of Professional Qualifications
  • Dotaz byl směřován pro upřesnění informací dostupných od UIMLA (níže), především k uznatelnosti národní kvalifikace aj.
  • Obdržené informace platné k XX.XX.2024

Dotaz poslaný emailem 8.1.2023

Dear sir or madam, 

I would like to ask you about general rules and requirements for mountain leaders from EU states working with foreign clients in Switzerland. As an instructor for the mountain leader course, I would like to present correct and actual rules applicable in Switzerland to the trainees. Unfortunately the awareness of this issue is poorly communicated among mountain leaders in Czechia. I would like to use correct and current information for the education of the new trainees and also to inform the community. May I ask you to specify these questions?

Prior declaration for mountain leaders

  • As I was informed, no prior declaration has to be submitted for tours with difficulty levels T1-T3 and WT1-WT2. Is that correct? Does that mean that there are no requirements for mountain leader qualification on these tours or there is just no prior declaration necessary and the requirements are still. the same?
    • Answer: 

Requirements for mountain leaders operating in Switzerland

  • As for the requirements I am aware of these. Can you please give me more information about some and let me know if there are any more?
    • Predescribed form
      • Answer: 
    • Certificate of nationality
      • Answer: 
    • Professional civil liability insurance
      • If the mountain leader is operating under a travel agency which has the insurance and his clients are contractually bonded to the agency, not to the mountain leader, is the personal insurance still necessary?
        • Answer: 
      • Are there any specific requirements for the insurance?
        • Answer: 
    • Copy of the professional certificate
      • Answer: 
    • Qualification diploma
      • Is the Czech national certificate of mountain leader training recognized? 
        • Mountain leader is a regulated profession in Czechia with evaluation guaranteed by the ministry for regional development. The training is different between some organisations and only the evaluation is certificated with standards specified in exact exams here. If necessary, additional documents from the training organisation can be added which specifies details of the training, including time allowance and its resemblance to the IML standards. (I attache detailed information of our training below)
          • Answer: 
    • Current (not older than 3 months) attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a member state for the purpose of pursuing the professional activity concerned.
      • The certificate must also indicate that the person is not prohibited from practicing the professional activity, even temporarily, at the moment of issuance of the attestation.
        • Answer: 
    • Proof of payment of the CHF 90 – processing fee.
      • Answer: 
    • Notification to the SEM
      • Answer: 

Also blah blah blah.....


Thank you very much for the information. 











Další informace lze najít na webu UIMLA


Does the profession of the mountain leader exist in Switzerland? 

  • - Yes

And does a profession of a mountain leader exist as a profession independent of the profession of a mountain guide? 

  • - Yes

Do you require qualified mountain leaders from EU member states to send a prior declaration before they start temporarily providing services of a mountain leader in your country?

What are the requirements and documents which a mountain leader from EU member states has to submit for the purpose of a prior declaration?

  •  Predescribed form
  • Certificate of nationality
  • Copy of the professional certificate
  • Qualification diploma
  • Proof of professional civil liability insurance
  • Current (not older than 3 months) attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a member state for the purpose of pursuing the professional activity concerned. The certificate must also indicate that the person is not prohibited from practicing the professional activity, even temporarily, at the moment of issuance of the attestation.
  • Proof of payment of the CHF 90 – processing fee.

Do you recognize the professional certificate issued by UIMLA national association as a proof of necessary qualification?

  • Yes, the IML-Diplome is recognised 

Is it necessary to have the documents translated into your language?

  • Yes. All documents must be translated by certified translators into one of the three official languages of Switzerland (German, French or Italian) or in English. 

Is it necessary to have the documents notarised? 

  • No. Swiss regulations do not require notarized documents but they verify the authenticity of the attestation (either directly with the authority that issued the document or they request the original by post).

Can the declaration be passed online? If so, please enter a link to it:

Are there any special rules for mountain leaders coming from EU member states where the profession is not regulated (the state of the origin of mountain leader does not require any qualification)? If so, please describe them

  • No

Is there a fee for processing the prior declaration? If so, please specify how much.

  • CHF 90 for the first declaration, no fee is charged for the renewals 

How long does the procedure of prior declaration usually take? 

  • After receipt of the complete declaration, the processing takes a maximum of one month. 

Please specify what mountain leaders will receive at the end of the prior declaration procedure

  • With recognition, SERI certifies that the foreign qualification is equivalent to the corresponding Swiss qualification. 

Do you apply the same regime for mountain leaders from non-EU states?

  • No. 
  • The procedur is very well described in English here, including youtube tutorial: https://www.sbfi.admin.ch/sbfi/en/home/education/recognition-of-foreign-qualifications/recognition-procedure-on-establishment/procedure-at-seri/procedure-and-duration.html